Flippin awesome!

Flippin awesome!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Anybody know what I'm doing here? Saying goodbye ^_^ I'm done here nice having a blog. But I'm bored with it. So. BYE

Last time

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Due to email notification

Well hello there. I haven't talked on here in a while now have I? As you can see I've broken my habit of using the "..." thing. Whatever it's called. I saw that a girl by the name of miss bleeding stitches commented saying I was interesting. Well. I have to say I am so I don't sound conceited (but it's true. I am interesting sometimes) so I just wanted to say hello to her. And welcome. And give everyone a hug *hug* and then. Leave abruptly..............................BYE


Saturday, August 20, 2011

Motivation to post.

I have none. Bye.


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Uh. Hi?

Yea. I havent posted in a while. Ive been kinda depressed recently. Dunno why I just am. Just wanted to say hi. Thats all I havE to say. Bye.


Monday, July 25, 2011

Didja miss me?

I was at camp last week and I leave for fine arts camp on wed. Soooooo...yea. I Get to bring my bass to camp with me so that makes me happy...but that's about all i have...Exept that it is BLOODY HOT out and I hate it...I can't wait foe the snow...That's all...bye


Friday, July 8, 2011

Aaaaaaahhh...life is

Good...you cared enough to wonder what life was...admit it...you expected me to say something completely random like camel of sammich...but no. I said something good...I noticed I hadn't posted in a while so I decided to tell you all that I love you all...Exept osumone...whoever you are...imma be blunt about it...you scare me...and I can't love someone Im afraid of...but everyone else I love like a brother/sister/well you know...I'm a teen to!/anything not mentioned before. So I don't know what else to say Exept that Im technically an 8th grader now and I'm really excited cuz 8th graders get to go to Washington dc for the field trip...FOR A WEEK! and I'm excited to go across the street to the high school in 9th grade...aaaaaand...I have something for everyone to talk about in the comments...my brothers friend..."Bill" we shall call him said to me that it's abnormal and unhealthy to listen to music on a regular everyday basis...so I googled it and found that listening to a song you like increases the blood flow in your body and makes your heart work less...so it actually is healthy. Then he went so far as to say that music is a waste of money, time, and memory on your iPod...and you know what I have to say? Absolutely nothing. Because your the one who is depriving yourself and your body of proper exercise and good music. You fatty...get of the couch and finally learn to ride a bike, your 13...

Thursday, June 23, 2011


So. This is going to be a serious post. I know its different but I just need to do it. The usual posts will resume when I stop feeling wierd. So I've been trying to not put myself down for the last two days or something. Yea, I know cami. Such a good thing to do for yourself. No. It's clearly NOT good for me. Because it's become so natural for me to say "I'm stupid" or other "put downs" about myself that it only hurts when I do something wrong. But my no-self-hating thing has failed. And I feel worse about little things than I should. So, those who know me, your gonna have to just get used to me putting myself down. Because I can't stop it without wanting to sit in a corner and cry and beat myself up about little things that happened a long time ago when I stop not hating myself. (remember the flashbacks? They were just a really Long involuntary beating up) Usually, I just beat myself up for doing something wrong. But today when my "self hatey" side broke through. I was hating myself because I had failed. Then I started telling lies about myself. And eventually beat myself up for doing absolutely nothing. I just did it. No reason. I didn't like it so I'm not emo. And I'm confused why! It's just. NOTHING! I'm telling lies about myself for no reason at all! And I hate it! So much that I hate myself for not controlling it! *pauses* EUREAKA! I've got it! I know why Im doing this! I won't tell you and no it's not depression (the kind they advertise about on tv for) but now I can stop because I know the reason and because the reason is stupid I can stop! YAY! *hugs for everyone* yay yay yay yay yay yay yay!!!! Regular posts will resume tomorrow or on my next post!(if all goes well) I want to thank Eleanor especially because she talked to me tonight and made me feel a bit better and if I was as sad as earlier I wouldn't be able to figure it out!! THANK YOU A BILLION TRILLION TIMES!


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

My bass's twin

This is my bass's look-alike because I don't know how to upload pictures from my camera to the webernet...so if you know how please tell me and I will put out a pic of my actuall bass...but for now this is its twin...oh by the way...I already gave you your daily inspiration so none in this post...

Brain explosion

Yes...that's why I haven't posted...no...actually I haven't posted because I haven't had much to post about...other than yesterday my iPod screen broke so now Im going on my 5TH FREAKING ONE!! technology has it in for me...if technology was a cereal killer I'd be at the top of the list...comparing apple iPods hatred of me to the worlds hate of rebecca black...apple hates me more...which brings me to another thing I'd like to say which is REBECCA BLACK IS OFF YOUTUBE!!! *fireworks go off in the background while everyone who's ears have been soiled by her cheer* yes...she's finally gone! Only the parodys remain (my favorite being the brock's dub one) what happened was basically she and the recording company that made her music video were fighting over the rights to the song or something and Rebecca decided to put the music video onto YouTube with her own account...and then something happened that I havent heard about yet but all of the official videos were wiped from YouTube...and because of the world finally getting past Friday and moving onto saturday (I can name the days of the week to) my family is going to san Antonio for the national wild birds unlimited convention...it's a yearly thing where all the approved vendors and franchise owners gather for a week to look at new merchandise to put into the stores...but my brother and I have to stay in the hotel...I'll
Probably find a spot that has wifi and sit there all day telling you guys about the hotel and whatever...I'll talk to my friends (who I'll miss alot!) I have a bass lesson tonight...and I found out why my airsoft gun doesn't work...but you don't care...it's now just a show gun...and the fourth of July I quickly approaching and my dad and I are gonna go out and buy some mortars and 500 gram cakes...and well put on a little show...so if you know me and your in town You can come over and Watch...and of course therell be little stuff as well as the big shots...I finally found my old yugioh cards and made up a deck just because I was bored...so yea...that's all I have Exept the meaning of the title and te days inspiration so the meaning of the title is- I was Playinng video games in exess and by exess I mean 20 hours in two days...and when I stopped(thank you beatlechick for easing my boredom) my brain felt like it had exploded and I had a terrible headache...so yea...inspiration time!

Today's inspiration-"Imagination is more important than knowledge." by Albert Einstein


Thursday, June 9, 2011


For two days...I have done nothing but finish infamous so I can get the new one "infamous 2" which I demoed and it was fantastic...and I went to see "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" I just got home...oh yea...and I had to clean peanut butter off my basketball hoop (don't ask)...but that's it!

Today's inspiration-Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Bass Guitar+Ewok=Today

Yes...I got my bass guitar today...completely true...my grandpa took me for one in Chicago while I was there today...so...theres my day...I tried to teach myself bass...if you know me...you have to come over to see it...

Today's inspiration-Yesterday's the past, tomorrow's the future, but today is a gift. That's why it's called the present.


Monday, June 6, 2011

compuer post!!!!!

so im not gonna post about my day or anything but im uploading some pics...so here they are...

ISNT SHE CUTE?!?!?!?!?

This is one of my other selves, his name is oz vassalius from pandora hears

Answer this in the comments...

*wishing it was mine*

ISNT THIS TRUE...girls,dont lie...

just for you Elanor...


Sunday, June 5, 2011


I didn't post by the end of Sunday...now it's 12:15 am on Monday...leave it to me to be up this late (>^^)>...I've actually been up till 2 every night this past week...and wake up at 12...SHORT PPEOPLE NEED SLEEP TO! lol...no I'm just kidding...I'm slowly working my way to being nocturnal for a few days...just to see what it's like...I'm kidding my parents wouldn't let me...and what would I do all night anywase? Everyone is asleep...Exept of course gamers who have NO LIFE...so...my-19 min. Ago day was pretty Suckish...I've been waiting to go to my lake house now that the hot tub is fixed...*chuckles at inside joke*...but I basically ate cereal and rejoiced that I got my free playstation plus...don't ask that would take forever...just YouTube-PSN is down!...and you'll know what happened...and waited "like a puppy waiting for it's master to get home from work so he could go on a walk and chase cats" for my friends to text me when they could go biking...BUT that didn't work...I need exercise so I don't get fat...no...I'm not worried about that...I weigh 75 pounds...without anorexia nervosa...or whatever the second part is...soooo...that's my-27 minutes ago day...I'm going camping this weekend with scouts to an amusement park(I know NOTHING to do with scouts) actually it's a scout day where anybody wearing a BSA class A uniform gets if for like ten bucks and they get all this free stuff...no idea why...but who cares!?! FREE STUFF!!! and today I'm finding out about bass guitar lessons and getting a guitar...so...yea...

Yesterdays inspiration- America has an obesity problem, Kenya needs food. CANT WE FIND A MIDDLE GROUND? Can America live without all the extra big macs? Like Obama said-"Yes We Can"
(people of Kenya)-*screaming* YAY! 

Your Shortest Internet Friend,

Friday, June 3, 2011

"Boss" arm cannon out of boredom

So today I got bored AGAIN...so I went all "buildy" and I got an old plastic helmet a plastic mask and some duct tape and made a cyborg mask...nerdy as it seems...it looks pretty cool...plus it was all I could think of...I'll build something else later this summer...but then while I was playing "super crazy wars" on my iPod I decided that a mask wasnt enough...so I made an arm cannon with seven barrels and spraypainted it gold...they look pretty friggin awesome when Theyre both together...so it seems a bit childish...don't think lesser of me because of it...we all have a seven year old left in us...sooo yea...that was pretty much my day...how was your first friday of summer? Why don't you post on your blog or tell me in the comments...I like seeing the comment counter gust pop up from 0-1 and so on...now for the saying of the day-"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not so sure about the universe"- supposedly Albet E. But that's just supposedly...as alwase, I love you all...*hug*


Thursday, June 2, 2011

My terrible Suckish boring day...

I'm hating summer right now because my gosh darn $60 fancy full auto airsoft rifle got jammed and no longer works...I spent my day like this-
1:00- wake up
1:30-4- play medal of honor on ps3
4-6-try to fix airsoft gun that hates me
6:15-10:00-look for replacement guns...no luck buying one cuz parents wanted to "wait till it gies on sale" pph...not happening...it's the most popular in the store
10:15-rant about how terrible my day was because my friends weren't around...sadface
10:20-watch tv
2:15 am-go to bed

So that's what I'm gonna do every day now...no not the above chain of events...I'm gonna post about my day every day this summer...provided I have wifi cuz I'll be camping ALOT 26 days to be exact...I'll cross those bridges when I get there...OH I'm gonna add one thing at the end of all my posts from now on- a motivational thingumabob...something to make you want to go out and do something to better yourself or society...so here's today's- "don't tell me the sky is the limit when there are footprints on the moon"

Your best Teddy-bear friend,

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Warning-stupidity X-ing

Ooook...I can exPlain...no I can't...yes I can...I got grounded from my iPod so...yea...ummm...dum dee Dum...OH YEA!!!! I was gonna write notes to everyone!!! Ok...here goes!!!

Cami- I love you, your awesome, can't wait to see your bangs on tuesday!!!

Osumone- I dont know who you are and am assuming your a guy...but I want you to know that I like you as a friend and you are awesome...


Nai-feel better buddy, Love you like a brother I never met!

Popo-I know you don't read this but I want you to know...*dramatic pause*...You DID leave the stove on that one time...and I love you like my brother...you know...when he's not being a creeper...bad example...oh well you get the point...you don't even read this...

Gertrude/Elanor-I love you the most and your awesome and You need to know that the secret to the universe is-Paul McCartney...*hug*

Ms. Cha-Ching-your awesome I love you, PLEASE???? Can I have a hug???


BOOM!!! didn't expect an indentation didja? Well...I only have one thing to say...well two...ok...one-I love you all
Another one!!! Two- I forgot...like I said...IMA DERP Ü


Monday, April 25, 2011

Sorry All...

1-everyone...for not posting in so long. My life has been a bit crazy recently.

2-beatlechick...for being such a stupid guy all the time.

3-cami...for not understanding our math and taking up your classtime to help me.

4-my brother...for always putting him down.

5-my close friends...for having to live with me every day, I'm undeserving of you all. You guys are so nice to me.

So I'm clearly feeling bad about some stuff...especially the things for beatlechick and my close friends...it seems to be a heavy melancholy...I usually live in a light melancholy...but it's just worse all of a sudden...maybe it's because I suck at track, the nicest girl I ever met hates me and won't talk to me, and I'm stressed for the ECA because if I fail then I won't get my high School diploma and I'll be a looser(on second thought...the only thing that would change is I wouldn't get my diploma.) can someone email me or text me or whatever(just not comment) cuz I need someone to spill my guts to...that's all I have for now...so...yea...

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Who needs d-force...they suck...i found MUCH better music...Please---look up the following songs on YouTube-
1) the good life by three days grace
2) whole worlds crazy by art of dying
3) sorry by art of dying
4) hero by skillet
5) life starts now by three days grace

Those are my top five favorite ROCK songs...the Beatles are in a different category...but #1-3 on this list are my TOP of the TOP favs...Sooo...yea...OH extra credit! If you look up all 5 songs plus this one coming up...I'll give you a cookie...so here's the extra song

6) country song by seether...
So there's the extra credit...I have a track meet today, and I got a new bike, and my iPod is fixed...as I said...fourth one in two years...Sooo...I gotta shower so I'm all good smelling so BYE!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Blog, track, iPod, craigslist...

I'll start with my iPod... I get the new one on Sunday...
My blog has been changed for the comment thing...beatlechick, you may now hyperventilate...just dont pass out...
We won our first track meet...it's a pity when your 7 th grade beat their 8th grade...I lost my race...sadface...
Im selling a ton of legos and a table with some stuff...so if anyone has $400 to toss around...check for the add in about three to five days...Bye!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

MY list of ten things...shhhhhh!!!

Like the title said-shhhh!!! Don't tell...make others read the blog if they want to know...I'll try to keep them un-embarrassing...but I'll probably have one or two...*said like Mario* HERE WE GO!

1- I can't sleep without it being super dark.

2- Somewhere I have a soft side...dunno where but it's there...and BOY IS IT SOFT!! beatlechick knows what it's like firsthand...it's usually out when friends are down or I'm down...but more often when chatting late at night...

3- I absolutely CAN'T STAND people who hate on gays and lesbians...WHATS WRONG WITH IT HUH?

4- im a total freakin rockstar from mars...charlie sheen reference!!! WOO Two and a half men!

5- Deja-vu is a fairly often thing...mostly the things I have it from is from a sddenly remembered dream...I think my brain tells the future, months in advance

6- I sometimes wonder how I have friends that actually care about me...at least I think they do...

7- I haven't had ONE good flashback since they became regular...and it's starting to hurt

8- I cant think of any more that I can put on the internet because of their personalness...

9- I feel really bad for girls In middle and high school cuz MAN are they mean to each other!!! I wish they'd just punch each other and be done with it.

10- I believe life is really an uncureable disease that follows you everywhere, killing you slowly...the most painful parts of "aging" include but are not limited to-sickness, middle school, high school, Recession, war, other people dying, depression, GREAT depression, spiraling depression, any other form of depression, fear, broken bones, giving birth (women only), etc. There is infact one and only one cure of aging that cure being death. Death is a usually painful Thing, however it ends all other pain by ending life of the person being cured. Religious people believe that depending on your "karma" if you will... Be it good- you will go to heaven, be reincarnated, etc. Be it bad-you go to hell, endure eternal suffering, bla bla bla...
If heaven and hell existed-it wouldn't matter on your karma, you would Eventually be rebirthed or go to heaven
The REALITY-when you die, YOU DIE, some lucky people live on as ghosts causing mischief on the surface of the world. Otherwise-it's all black, time no longer exists, thoughts no longer exist, NOTHING exists, not even you...that's what I think death is like. But it's not possible to know...

Well...I gave you a list...and I REALLY hope you don't talk about the things that could be marked "embarrassing" and I ask you to leave your thoughts on any/ all of the things on the list so I know I'm appreciated...goodbye.

Friday, April 8, 2011


This is gon a be my fourth freaking one...cuz this one is possessed...itll type random things...I'll show you if ansbzidbs. See?!?! So I have to get a new One...so...bye

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


So...I'm playing this game called "infamous" it's about this guy who got lightning powers from an explosion that pretty much wiped out his whole city...and two others...and he has flashbacks er rather...visions...when he touches deceased peoples heads he can control seeing how they died...and the whole game is basically a big flashback because in cutscenes he narrates in a way that it has already happened to him...ex-bullets flying by, I couldn't find a dry way out so I had to trudge through that **** black tar...again...
The black tar gives him these wierd visions of other things...IF YOU'VE READ ALL THE WAY HERE!!! first congratulations...you've read me rant on my favorite video game!!! Second your probably wondering why I'm talking about flashbacks and junk...well...IM having those weird flashbacks...just randomly...I cant controll them...there not like Coles...he's the guy in the game...mine are...ummm...all the bad things or things I regret doing...and I can't controll it...ill just randomly remember something I wish I didnt do...I wont share any...i JUST freaking had one just now...aaaauuugh!!!! It's annoying!!!! *talking to bad memories* I hate all of you!!! Get out!!!

•••NOTE---All of the above is true.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Spread your wings and FLY GOSH DARNIT!!!

Yea...I can't post much any more...why??? One word...short and sweet...TRACK...I'm on the team and I practice from 4-6 every day...I dont get home till about 6:45 and then I eat dinner and do homework that I don't do in math class...all in all...I don't go to bed till about 10...sooooo...on weekdays I'll post if your all lucky...or you ask very nicely...but yea...like the title Says...I've spread my tiny twiglike wings and I've started to fly...I am In no way abandoning this blog...tell your friends about me, tell THE WHOLE FREAKING WORLD!!! Obama should give a speech on how awesome I am...ok...too far...maybe someone smaller...like the prime minister of japan...who I give my best hopes to because if that plant blows up California is gonna be a wasteland...and I kinda like that state!!! So...I leave you with a puzzling question-if yellowstone national park's supervolcano erupted...what would you do? Go to London? Live underground? Just accept your impending doom And give up on life? I know what I would do...but I'll only tell if three of you answer that question...LOVE Y'ALL...BYE!!!


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

New blog...new name...same writing style....

I'm pretty proud of myself...I created all this in about 20 min...sorry If you want me to change my writing stle...I can't change that...just saying that I changed my blog and everything on it...kinda...mostly...you get it...bye

Track starts tomorrow!!!

Just wanted to tell y'all...I went to get new track shoes yesterday...I'll be doing long jump, discus, long distance hurdles and possibly pole vault...WISH ME LUCK!!!


Saturday, March 12, 2011

The day of scouting

Ok...so...today...I had to go to an eagle service project...for the older me...our names are the same...haha...so we had to lift chunks of limestone that weighed 20 pounds more than me...then cut them...and were laying them down tommorow...it's for a memorial at the high school...THEN at 2...I went to an eagle court of honor...big important ceremony...with cake...the new eagle scout is Dilan Wolter...Dilan if you are reading this...CONGRATULATIONS...I'm nobody like NASA or the former vice president but still...congratulations Dilan...you will be missed...and the cake was fantastic...lol...alright...that's enough slaughter of innocent words for today...I will go eat some girl scout cookies...bye!!!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Hollow boredom

It's like 3:00 am and my friend is over...I haven't posted in a looooong time because
My life is uninteresting...and I had iStep...yes I wrote about ribco...*yawn* I need my sleep...I just felt like posting and telling you guys that I have a life...SO GET YOUR OWN!!! Haha! I'm so full of myself...sometimes...you decide...and leave a comment telling me...if I'm full of myself sometimes...drifting off to sleep...perfume...koizumi...prank calls...whale...don't ask...long story...and it's akward...good bye...world...ok...that sounded like I was commiting scuicide...IM NOT my life is too good for that...good night...DOCTER OCTAGONAPUS!! BLLLAAAAARRRGGGHHHH!!!!

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Uck...I just got back from a campout...in the snow...and cold...and wetness and all it's misrableness...i went sledding in a parking lot and hurt my arm...I dud that on Friday...its Sunday...and my arm still hurts from it...you think I should see a doctor? Whatever...i frankly Dont care...I'm not writhing in pain...i will be for istep tommorow...uck...I'm gonna go enjoy my modern,HEATED house...yum...delicious heat...goodbye

Saturday, February 19, 2011

My most costly day in months...

Yes...my day...costed...ALOT!!! I went to borders and got $90 of manga...then I went to look at new alto saxophones and paid $20 bucks there...then I went to woodwind and brasswind and tried out soprano saxophones...which by the way are the most funnest saxes I've ever played...ive played four types now...alto, tenor, bari and soprano!!! Curved soprano is my fav. Cuz it's eisier...BUT I didn't pay for anything there...just played around...and now...da da daaaa...I went to the apple store to get my iPod fixed...and I got a new iPod too...I spent like $300 today and I hope not to do that again...my dad was kinda angry with getting the new iPod 4...cuz he coulda got me the iPod 3 for a hundred...BUT! Some people are just afraid if change...and high priced items...like the iPod touch 4th gen. Wooooo I love it!!!! *mwa* I love all of you!!! 

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Somethings wrong

I feel like the universe is out of whack...It started to feel like that after I finished talking to a friend...I was saying things...but I didn't mean them...now I feel like I big heaping pile of *we are sorry we are experiencing technical difficulties...*I guess I'll right my wrongs at school tommorow...or at least try...if she doesn't hate me...wish me luck...fixing the universe isn't easy...bye...Hey...the perfume is back!!! This is really really weird...and now I feel so much like a pile of *technical difficulties again...we apologize* that I'm queasy...I might go throw up...I hope not...I WANT to go to school tommorrow...hehe...I love how I spell "tommorrow" two ways in the same post...ok...I'm gonna go to bed now...and hopefully I can dodge this icky feeling...*yawn* Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

It's official

My grandpa doesnt know what he's doing...he came in and woke me up at 6:11 this morning and told me to get up 20 minutes early...I wake up at 7:20!!!!my brother goes to school at 7:20...so he should wake him up!!! Not me...and my brothers sick!!! So I should be left alone till 7:30!!!! I told my parents this was a bad idea...I'm gonna go eat some breakfast now...I think I'll make it today...ok bye...

Monday, February 14, 2011

valentines day...Ribco

oh no...this should be good...
ribco sat in his seat, sad, on yet another lonely valentines day...he sat and watched as everyone exchanged valentines. poor ribco... his girlfriend broke up with him just yesterday because he was too "destructive" so that diamond ring he got for her was useless...what a waste...there goes 2 grand...BUT...there was one girl...Beverly, the prettiest girl he ever saw...so he brought the ring to give to her..........................................
TO BE CONTINUED...............................................................................................................................

Monday, February 7, 2011

Me and my amazing randomness...

Yes...I have nothing to blog about...again...so...yet another day winging it...yup...here we go again...so im kinda tired with it being 9:55at night...but Watever...I will post on!!! Listen to me...I sound so determined...and energetic...geez...I'm NOT energetic...I'm tired most of the time and I wish I could sleep 2nd-4th period...my long stretch of boredom...only to be saved by lunch in 3rd...but math has gotten interesting with that classified thing...ok...I'M COMPLETELY OUT OF IDEAS!!! I'm afraid to talk about my interests because I don't want to creep my like 4 readers out with crazy boyishness...so...yea...doodoodoo...Amy ideas fer ribco??? Comment...I'm out...nada...zip...zilch...zero...null...not a single blogworthy idea...so now I have to resort to...da da daaaa!!! Philosophy!!!! (not really) well kinda...if I were to say that you were born three minutes ago...what would you say...oh look a t me...stealing words out of itsuki koizumi's mouth...well he is me...not actually ME but my friend Urface Recreated this club (she just gathered 4 out of 5 members) and it's from this anime/book/manga and I've been deemed itsuki koizumi...and Urface is HARUHI SUZUMIYA...it's not really in caps...it's just my stupid iPod...but anywase...beatlechick24 is little adorable time traveling Mikuru Asahina (look her up...you'll see why I like her) and another guy is normal guy...Kyon...I'm an esper...HARUHI is a god in a sick way...and well...Mikuru is a trainee time traveler...the fifth member...is an alien of sorts...we have yet to find a person
like her so...yea...well this is the most I've ever written and i think that I've told you enough...so...I guess I'll leave you at this...Mikuru Asahina is awesome...but beatlechick is still my favorite cuz...cuz...cuz...oh it's the internet...i can't tell you why she's my favorite...but she is...aha!!! She's a real person...yes!!! Beat that internet safety guy!!!! Oh hey...forgot to ad that I don't mean that stuff about beatlechick24...I needed something to talk about...hopefully that will solve any confusion...

Friday, February 4, 2011

My band instructor...

YES•••this is all you get from him when you ask him when we get concert music•••or anytime really•••just crazy vaigness that only the saxophones and him can understand•••ok not the saxophones•••I'm giving us too much credit•••ok WAYYYYY to much credit•••so•••how's your life been•••comment•••do it•••for meeeee•••pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese

Thursday, February 3, 2011

The one thing I do other than this

Yea I know... It's hard to believe...I have a life...and that life consists of eating very little, sleeping ALOT, playing vieo games (like most guys) camping,snowboarding,and various other things stupid guys do...but the one thing I do the most...is play alto saxophone...yes...a zombie believer playes the alto sax...its amazing...and I have this thing over at the high school called solo and ensemble...I'm a second year sax playing in group 3 the highest is group 1...so I'm up there...my solo is a total of 3 pages(convieniently it goes with my group) and it's EPIC...I memorized it today which was a daunting task but...I did it...I'm so proud of myself...do you know what I just realized??? I use the "..." alot!!! I bet I use it more than any other letter in my blog...there I go again...and again...and there it is again!!! Wow!!! I'm Sooo crazy!!!! But anywase...there it is again...I have to play my solo for a judge and anyone else who wants to hear my solo...the pressure is on...I really need to stop doing that "..." thing,,,NO---NO~~~maybe===no•••YES!!!! I will now use "•••" instead of"..." so•••with that said•••oh wait!!!! if you want to hear me play (sorry you have to know my real name) my solo and dont mind getting up at 8 this Saturday•••go to the high school across the street from
The middle school and meet me in room 126 at 10:55 am•••dress sharp!!! Bye

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Ribco...nope not gonna end soon...

Ok so by demand by friends...and other things...I will write some more of ribco...but cuz of this thing that I'm doing that...I can't believe I'm saying this but...that's classified...so...Im gonna wing it even more than usual...hehe...here goes...

Days went by and ribco still didn't talk to his ex...weeks...months...then in December...he cracked...he couldn't take it...he was in the halls of plotline high school and he screamed at the top of his lungs...NOOO!!! VOICES GO AWAY!!!! THE VOICES ARE EVIL!!!!!I CAN'T TAKE IT!!!! he then bolted to the nearest student and screamed that in her face...the poor girl was so scared she called home and transferred out...then ribco went to the guidance office and broke a window talking about "LITTLE EVIL VOICES IN MY HEAD" then...after school he went for a mental check up...he punched two receptionists, his doctor, a surgeon, a politition and the candy bowl...broke the elevator,and near broke his cop car...with a couch...were does he get this stuff...I...don't...know... That's all for now...got that classified thing to discuss with classified people in a classified place in a classified way...hehe...good luck figuring it out.......good luck I say....

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Beatlechick24 I have something to say to you...........

......happy early birthday!!! Two days till 13!!! How do you feel right now? Comment...or no b-day present for u...hehe...wait...NOOO!!! I'm 6 days younger than u....NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

Friday, January 21, 2011

My first japanese book!!!!

Ok so it's 1:30 and I just finished reading this book...I COULDNT PUT IT DOWN!!!! for three reasons...1: it was in general a fantabulistic book...2: there were times in it that were kinda adultish and barley anyone knows this about me but I like those adultish times with two...no stop...Ur gonna creep people out...meh if u know me...and u want to know those parts...TOO FREAKING BAD FOR YOU!!!! READ IT YOURSELF!!! 3: it's about some creepy girl and random people with special powers and time travel and unlimited knowledge and...NO!!!! IM RUINING THE AWESOMENESS OF THE BOOK!!!! Title: I FORGET... Author: IDK.... why I don't look it up...it's 1:40 am!!! I'm on 6 hrs of sleep and a cup of coffee!!! Ask me later...till then...good night you silly Englishman knights (pronounced: ka-nig-its.) . {>^_^}><{^_^<}

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Even more ribco(ego(when will this story end))

...as ribco drove along in his stolen cop car tragedy struck...his best girl who is a friend called him and dared him to say something to his ex....if you know me, you know were this is going...so he did...and it didn't end well...both ribco and the girl who Is a friend got in trouble with ribco's ex and....now they aren't speaking for a week...but a certain person(ribco's best friend) heard and told his ex that ribco wasn't talking to her for a
year...A WHOLE FREAKING YEAR!!!!! Ribco was beside himself and went to his girly man friend for advice...scratch that...no he didn't...he went and slammed his head against his locker in pain and anguish...he couldnt possibly go a week without talking to her...she was to pretty and blonde (I told u that u knew this)Sooo....ummmmm.....I have no idea what to write now.....oh! So ribco after,doing what I said earlier...he found thus check in his mailbox...blank...with a signature...so he wrote in: $9748265828472 and went to the bank to cash it...turns out it was a counterfeit check....he went to jail..blabedyblabedybla...got a two year sentence but they gave him the money on the check...and you'll never guess what he did with it...he bought the nearest krispy Kreme store and usrled the profits to bail himself out...Now everyone lives him again cuz he owns a krispy Kreme....THE END...or is it...da da daaaaaaaa

Saturday, January 15, 2011

S'more ribco...(ego)

Ribco drove very fastly down the long winding road on his way to hear the news that would drive him to near eruption(ribco has a bit o' a temper) as he arrived at the hospital to go see his girlfriend his car ran out of gas...he pulled the sledgehammer out of the trunk and literally beat the engine out of the thing. Then when he got inside to check in to see her...he forgot his flowers in the car...he again sledged the car to bits and walked in with the flowers and all...and he was checked in...but it gets worse...he walks in to her room to find...he forgot his math at home...now he plain flipped out...he threw a chair out of the window (13th floor) punched a doctor broke the receptionists computer,then with the broken computer threw that out the window, broke $6000 worth of medical equipment,and dumped all the lolipops out into the furnace...the rest of that day the hospital smelled like lemons...and ribco had to walk home because all the stuff he threw out the window...landed on his car...he did however steal a parcked cop car and called for a dispatch at a place where there is no crime whatsoever...tee hee...TO BE CONTINUED

Last night

Ok so yesterday night I was rock climbing till 2 am, and now my arms hurt sooooooo much that I might even write a ribco entry just for it...maybe...Oh I forgot...yesterday night while my friend was playing ps3...he was just minding his own business playing online...some random guy hacks his game and now he has everything there is to have...it's pretty cool...and we didnt need to pay for the VIP acces that usually costs like 20 bucks...so yea...it's epic...we get to play all acces to hacked and moded games!!!! For free!!!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Best band ever!!!

Dragonforce is the best band ever!!! Long songs, metal rock, and pure awesomeness!!! It outranks the beatles!!! Look it up, it will make your life better...pleeeeeeeeese...for me????

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The weird beginning of RIBCO

Ribco is kinda one of my alter egos...what I feel,he feels,if I'm depressed,he's depressed...but I'll tell you if that is the case...in the title it will say: bla bla bla (ego style) so this is not one...

Ribco sat in the windowsill waiting for his girlfriend to call...so she could help him with his math homework...what were you thinking?!?! He sat there till 10 pm...no call...he was heartbroken...he needed help or he would flunk the class...poor guy...he went upstairs and cried himself to sleep...then at 2 am,he got a call...it was her...she had been drunk at a party and needed him to pick him up. Still angry about the homework, he decided to tell her he would come asap but then he went to bed...and never showed up...EVER...then 10 days later he got a call from the hospital saying his girlfriend was in extreme condition and wanted to see him before...she...died...he drove over there in his new ferari...

Intro to ribco

Okay so most my friends who have blogs write stories and stuff like that...but I don't know if they have a story that will end ALL BOREDOM!!! The main charachter is named ribco (don't ask) and he basically does the first thing that pops into my mind (at least the clean stuff) and then I go from there...so...the adventures of ribco begins...next post...hehe I'm a procrastinator!!!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sledding,snow,and random kids hitting you on sleds and making you do a flip

Okay so today I was sledding and it was like a community hill so I'm walking up the hill and a 6 year old hits me at like 20 miles per hour!!! I mean what the heck!!! Then later I go off a ramp and I went a good 10 ft....Then I landed...I fell off the sled and slid on my back into a snow drift (if you didn't know, those are very cold if they are POWDER snow and it gets all in your coat...it's bad stuff,snow.) and on the last run of the day I was going off a ramp again (this will end badly, it allwase does) and a kid with one of those hard plastic sleds is in the way so he uses the sled to "protect" him...I hit him...he fell over...but get this...cause of the impact, I did a front flip,landed it and continued to ride!!! It was the most epic thing I did today!!! Exept for beating auburn with the buckeyes on madden...I had only played once before and this guy was a veteran at the game...I still beat him 7-0!!! That proves that Ohio state buckeyes are beastly and everyone else is bad!!! Wooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Uuugh I hate winter it makes my lips split open and bleed. :(

Friday, January 7, 2011

What the??? It didn't publish that last thing...stupid iPod...I'm a zombie man...suck at math and hate stupid questions...yea...so...u don't like wat u see...DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES READ IT...unless it contains info that will save your life someday (in the apocalypse) byiee!!! <{^=^}>