Flippin awesome!

Flippin awesome!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

S'more ribco...(ego)

Ribco drove very fastly down the long winding road on his way to hear the news that would drive him to near eruption(ribco has a bit o' a temper) as he arrived at the hospital to go see his girlfriend his car ran out of gas...he pulled the sledgehammer out of the trunk and literally beat the engine out of the thing. Then when he got inside to check in to see her...he forgot his flowers in the car...he again sledged the car to bits and walked in with the flowers and all...and he was checked in...but it gets worse...he walks in to her room to find...he forgot his math at home...now he plain flipped out...he threw a chair out of the window (13th floor) punched a doctor broke the receptionists computer,then with the broken computer threw that out the window, broke $6000 worth of medical equipment,and dumped all the lolipops out into the furnace...the rest of that day the hospital smelled like lemons...and ribco had to walk home because all the stuff he threw out the window...landed on his car...he did however steal a parcked cop car and called for a dispatch at a place where there is no crime whatsoever...tee hee...TO BE CONTINUED


  1. Wow... and I thought I had a temper.

  2. Are you sure that this isn't just really an account of what you did this weekend, Zombieman13???

  3. OMG!!! I just noticed that in the first sentence of this post, you say "the long winding road"!!!!! PAUL MCCARTNEY RULES!
