Flippin awesome!

Flippin awesome!

Thursday, June 23, 2011


So. This is going to be a serious post. I know its different but I just need to do it. The usual posts will resume when I stop feeling wierd. So I've been trying to not put myself down for the last two days or something. Yea, I know cami. Such a good thing to do for yourself. No. It's clearly NOT good for me. Because it's become so natural for me to say "I'm stupid" or other "put downs" about myself that it only hurts when I do something wrong. But my no-self-hating thing has failed. And I feel worse about little things than I should. So, those who know me, your gonna have to just get used to me putting myself down. Because I can't stop it without wanting to sit in a corner and cry and beat myself up about little things that happened a long time ago when I stop not hating myself. (remember the flashbacks? They were just a really Long involuntary beating up) Usually, I just beat myself up for doing something wrong. But today when my "self hatey" side broke through. I was hating myself because I had failed. Then I started telling lies about myself. And eventually beat myself up for doing absolutely nothing. I just did it. No reason. I didn't like it so I'm not emo. And I'm confused why! It's just. NOTHING! I'm telling lies about myself for no reason at all! And I hate it! So much that I hate myself for not controlling it! *pauses* EUREAKA! I've got it! I know why Im doing this! I won't tell you and no it's not depression (the kind they advertise about on tv for) but now I can stop because I know the reason and because the reason is stupid I can stop! YAY! *hugs for everyone* yay yay yay yay yay yay yay!!!! Regular posts will resume tomorrow or on my next post!(if all goes well) I want to thank Eleanor especially because she talked to me tonight and made me feel a bit better and if I was as sad as earlier I wouldn't be able to figure it out!! THANK YOU A BILLION TRILLION TIMES!


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

My bass's twin

This is my bass's look-alike because I don't know how to upload pictures from my camera to the webernet...so if you know how please tell me and I will put out a pic of my actuall bass...but for now this is its twin...oh by the way...I already gave you your daily inspiration so none in this post...

Brain explosion

Yes...that's why I haven't posted...no...actually I haven't posted because I haven't had much to post about...other than yesterday my iPod screen broke so now Im going on my 5TH FREAKING ONE!! technology has it in for me...if technology was a cereal killer I'd be at the top of the list...comparing apple iPods hatred of me to the worlds hate of rebecca black...apple hates me more...which brings me to another thing I'd like to say which is REBECCA BLACK IS OFF YOUTUBE!!! *fireworks go off in the background while everyone who's ears have been soiled by her cheer* yes...she's finally gone! Only the parodys remain (my favorite being the brock's dub one) what happened was basically she and the recording company that made her music video were fighting over the rights to the song or something and Rebecca decided to put the music video onto YouTube with her own account...and then something happened that I havent heard about yet but all of the official videos were wiped from YouTube...and because of the world finally getting past Friday and moving onto saturday (I can name the days of the week to) my family is going to san Antonio for the national wild birds unlimited convention...it's a yearly thing where all the approved vendors and franchise owners gather for a week to look at new merchandise to put into the stores...but my brother and I have to stay in the hotel...I'll
Probably find a spot that has wifi and sit there all day telling you guys about the hotel and whatever...I'll talk to my friends (who I'll miss alot!) I have a bass lesson tonight...and I found out why my airsoft gun doesn't work...but you don't care...it's now just a show gun...and the fourth of July I quickly approaching and my dad and I are gonna go out and buy some mortars and 500 gram cakes...and well put on a little show...so if you know me and your in town You can come over and Watch...and of course therell be little stuff as well as the big shots...I finally found my old yugioh cards and made up a deck just because I was bored...so yea...that's all I have Exept the meaning of the title and te days inspiration so the meaning of the title is- I was Playinng video games in exess and by exess I mean 20 hours in two days...and when I stopped(thank you beatlechick for easing my boredom) my brain felt like it had exploded and I had a terrible headache...so yea...inspiration time!

Today's inspiration-"Imagination is more important than knowledge." by Albert Einstein


Thursday, June 9, 2011


For two days...I have done nothing but finish infamous so I can get the new one "infamous 2" which I demoed and it was fantastic...and I went to see "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" I just got home...oh yea...and I had to clean peanut butter off my basketball hoop (don't ask)...but that's it!

Today's inspiration-Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Bass Guitar+Ewok=Today

Yes...I got my bass guitar today...completely true...my grandpa took me for one in Chicago while I was there today...so...theres my day...I tried to teach myself bass...if you know me...you have to come over to see it...

Today's inspiration-Yesterday's the past, tomorrow's the future, but today is a gift. That's why it's called the present.


Monday, June 6, 2011

compuer post!!!!!

so im not gonna post about my day or anything but im uploading some pics...so here they are...

ISNT SHE CUTE?!?!?!?!?

This is one of my other selves, his name is oz vassalius from pandora hears

Answer this in the comments...

*wishing it was mine*

ISNT THIS TRUE...girls,dont lie...

just for you Elanor...


Sunday, June 5, 2011


I didn't post by the end of Sunday...now it's 12:15 am on Monday...leave it to me to be up this late (>^^)>...I've actually been up till 2 every night this past week...and wake up at 12...SHORT PPEOPLE NEED SLEEP TO! lol...no I'm just kidding...I'm slowly working my way to being nocturnal for a few days...just to see what it's like...I'm kidding my parents wouldn't let me...and what would I do all night anywase? Everyone is asleep...Exept of course gamers who have NO LIFE...so...my-19 min. Ago day was pretty Suckish...I've been waiting to go to my lake house now that the hot tub is fixed...*chuckles at inside joke*...but I basically ate cereal and rejoiced that I got my free playstation plus...don't ask that would take forever...just YouTube-PSN is down!...and you'll know what happened...and waited "like a puppy waiting for it's master to get home from work so he could go on a walk and chase cats" for my friends to text me when they could go biking...BUT that didn't work...I need exercise so I don't get fat...no...I'm not worried about that...I weigh 75 pounds...without anorexia nervosa...or whatever the second part is...soooo...that's my-27 minutes ago day...I'm going camping this weekend with scouts to an amusement park(I know NOTHING to do with scouts) actually it's a scout day where anybody wearing a BSA class A uniform gets if for like ten bucks and they get all this free stuff...no idea why...but who cares!?! FREE STUFF!!! and today I'm finding out about bass guitar lessons and getting a guitar...so...yea...

Yesterdays inspiration- America has an obesity problem, Kenya needs food. CANT WE FIND A MIDDLE GROUND? Can America live without all the extra big macs? Like Obama said-"Yes We Can"
(people of Kenya)-*screaming* YAY! 

Your Shortest Internet Friend,

Friday, June 3, 2011

"Boss" arm cannon out of boredom

So today I got bored AGAIN...so I went all "buildy" and I got an old plastic helmet a plastic mask and some duct tape and made a cyborg mask...nerdy as it seems...it looks pretty cool...plus it was all I could think of...I'll build something else later this summer...but then while I was playing "super crazy wars" on my iPod I decided that a mask wasnt enough...so I made an arm cannon with seven barrels and spraypainted it gold...they look pretty friggin awesome when Theyre both together...so it seems a bit childish...don't think lesser of me because of it...we all have a seven year old left in us...sooo yea...that was pretty much my day...how was your first friday of summer? Why don't you post on your blog or tell me in the comments...I like seeing the comment counter gust pop up from 0-1 and so on...now for the saying of the day-"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not so sure about the universe"- supposedly Albet E. But that's just supposedly...as alwase, I love you all...*hug*


Thursday, June 2, 2011

My terrible Suckish boring day...

I'm hating summer right now because my gosh darn $60 fancy full auto airsoft rifle got jammed and no longer works...I spent my day like this-
1:00- wake up
1:30-4- play medal of honor on ps3
4-6-try to fix airsoft gun that hates me
6:15-10:00-look for replacement guns...no luck buying one cuz parents wanted to "wait till it gies on sale" pph...not happening...it's the most popular in the store
10:15-rant about how terrible my day was because my friends weren't around...sadface
10:20-watch tv
2:15 am-go to bed

So that's what I'm gonna do every day now...no not the above chain of events...I'm gonna post about my day every day this summer...provided I have wifi cuz I'll be camping ALOT 26 days to be exact...I'll cross those bridges when I get there...OH I'm gonna add one thing at the end of all my posts from now on- a motivational thingumabob...something to make you want to go out and do something to better yourself or society...so here's today's- "don't tell me the sky is the limit when there are footprints on the moon"

Your best Teddy-bear friend,