Flippin awesome!

Flippin awesome!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Sorry All...

1-everyone...for not posting in so long. My life has been a bit crazy recently.

2-beatlechick...for being such a stupid guy all the time.

3-cami...for not understanding our math and taking up your classtime to help me.

4-my brother...for always putting him down.

5-my close friends...for having to live with me every day, I'm undeserving of you all. You guys are so nice to me.

So I'm clearly feeling bad about some stuff...especially the things for beatlechick and my close friends...it seems to be a heavy melancholy...I usually live in a light melancholy...but it's just worse all of a sudden...maybe it's because I suck at track, the nicest girl I ever met hates me and won't talk to me, and I'm stressed for the ECA because if I fail then I won't get my high School diploma and I'll be a looser(on second thought...the only thing that would change is I wouldn't get my diploma.) can someone email me or text me or whatever(just not comment) cuz I need someone to spill my guts to...that's all I have for now...so...yea...

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Who needs d-force...they suck...i found MUCH better music...Please---look up the following songs on YouTube-
1) the good life by three days grace
2) whole worlds crazy by art of dying
3) sorry by art of dying
4) hero by skillet
5) life starts now by three days grace

Those are my top five favorite ROCK songs...the Beatles are in a different category...but #1-3 on this list are my TOP of the TOP favs...Sooo...yea...OH extra credit! If you look up all 5 songs plus this one coming up...I'll give you a cookie...so here's the extra song

6) country song by seether...
So there's the extra credit...I have a track meet today, and I got a new bike, and my iPod is fixed...as I said...fourth one in two years...Sooo...I gotta shower so I'm all good smelling so BYE!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Blog, track, iPod, craigslist...

I'll start with my iPod... I get the new one on Sunday...
My blog has been changed for the comment thing...beatlechick, you may now hyperventilate...just dont pass out...
We won our first track meet...it's a pity when your 7 th grade beat their 8th grade...I lost my race...sadface...
Im selling a ton of legos and a table with some stuff...so if anyone has $400 to toss around...check for the add in about three to five days...Bye!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

MY list of ten things...shhhhhh!!!

Like the title said-shhhh!!! Don't tell...make others read the blog if they want to know...I'll try to keep them un-embarrassing...but I'll probably have one or two...*said like Mario* HERE WE GO!

1- I can't sleep without it being super dark.

2- Somewhere I have a soft side...dunno where but it's there...and BOY IS IT SOFT!! beatlechick knows what it's like firsthand...it's usually out when friends are down or I'm down...but more often when chatting late at night...

3- I absolutely CAN'T STAND people who hate on gays and lesbians...WHATS WRONG WITH IT HUH?

4- im a total freakin rockstar from mars...charlie sheen reference!!! WOO Two and a half men!

5- Deja-vu is a fairly often thing...mostly the things I have it from is from a sddenly remembered dream...I think my brain tells the future, months in advance

6- I sometimes wonder how I have friends that actually care about me...at least I think they do...

7- I haven't had ONE good flashback since they became regular...and it's starting to hurt

8- I cant think of any more that I can put on the internet because of their personalness...

9- I feel really bad for girls In middle and high school cuz MAN are they mean to each other!!! I wish they'd just punch each other and be done with it.

10- I believe life is really an uncureable disease that follows you everywhere, killing you slowly...the most painful parts of "aging" include but are not limited to-sickness, middle school, high school, Recession, war, other people dying, depression, GREAT depression, spiraling depression, any other form of depression, fear, broken bones, giving birth (women only), etc. There is infact one and only one cure of aging that cure being death. Death is a usually painful Thing, however it ends all other pain by ending life of the person being cured. Religious people believe that depending on your "karma" if you will... Be it good- you will go to heaven, be reincarnated, etc. Be it bad-you go to hell, endure eternal suffering, bla bla bla...
If heaven and hell existed-it wouldn't matter on your karma, you would Eventually be rebirthed or go to heaven
The REALITY-when you die, YOU DIE, some lucky people live on as ghosts causing mischief on the surface of the world. Otherwise-it's all black, time no longer exists, thoughts no longer exist, NOTHING exists, not even you...that's what I think death is like. But it's not possible to know...

Well...I gave you a list...and I REALLY hope you don't talk about the things that could be marked "embarrassing" and I ask you to leave your thoughts on any/ all of the things on the list so I know I'm appreciated...goodbye.

Friday, April 8, 2011


This is gon a be my fourth freaking one...cuz this one is possessed...itll type random things...I'll show you if ansbzidbs. See?!?! So I have to get a new One...so...bye

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


So...I'm playing this game called "infamous" it's about this guy who got lightning powers from an explosion that pretty much wiped out his whole city...and two others...and he has flashbacks er rather...visions...when he touches deceased peoples heads he can control seeing how they died...and the whole game is basically a big flashback because in cutscenes he narrates in a way that it has already happened to him...ex-bullets flying by, I couldn't find a dry way out so I had to trudge through that **** black tar...again...
The black tar gives him these wierd visions of other things...IF YOU'VE READ ALL THE WAY HERE!!! first congratulations...you've read me rant on my favorite video game!!! Second your probably wondering why I'm talking about flashbacks and junk...well...IM having those weird flashbacks...just randomly...I cant controll them...there not like Coles...he's the guy in the game...mine are...ummm...all the bad things or things I regret doing...and I can't controll it...ill just randomly remember something I wish I didnt do...I wont share any...i JUST freaking had one just now...aaaauuugh!!!! It's annoying!!!! *talking to bad memories* I hate all of you!!! Get out!!!

•••NOTE---All of the above is true.
