Flippin awesome!

Flippin awesome!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Beatlechick24 I have something to say to you...........

......happy early birthday!!! Two days till 13!!! How do you feel right now? Comment...or no b-day present for u...hehe...wait...NOOO!!! I'm 6 days younger than u....NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

Friday, January 21, 2011

My first japanese book!!!!

Ok so it's 1:30 and I just finished reading this book...I COULDNT PUT IT DOWN!!!! for three reasons...1: it was in general a fantabulistic book...2: there were times in it that were kinda adultish and barley anyone knows this about me but I like those adultish times with two...no stop...Ur gonna creep people out...meh if u know me...and u want to know those parts...TOO FREAKING BAD FOR YOU!!!! READ IT YOURSELF!!! 3: it's about some creepy girl and random people with special powers and time travel and unlimited knowledge and...NO!!!! IM RUINING THE AWESOMENESS OF THE BOOK!!!! Title: I FORGET... Author: IDK.... why I don't look it up...it's 1:40 am!!! I'm on 6 hrs of sleep and a cup of coffee!!! Ask me later...till then...good night you silly Englishman knights (pronounced: ka-nig-its.) . {>^_^}><{^_^<}

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Even more ribco(ego(when will this story end))

...as ribco drove along in his stolen cop car tragedy struck...his best girl who is a friend called him and dared him to say something to his ex....if you know me, you know were this is going...so he did...and it didn't end well...both ribco and the girl who Is a friend got in trouble with ribco's ex and....now they aren't speaking for a week...but a certain person(ribco's best friend) heard and told his ex that ribco wasn't talking to her for a
year...A WHOLE FREAKING YEAR!!!!! Ribco was beside himself and went to his girly man friend for advice...scratch that...no he didn't...he went and slammed his head against his locker in pain and anguish...he couldnt possibly go a week without talking to her...she was to pretty and blonde (I told u that u knew this)Sooo....ummmmm.....I have no idea what to write now.....oh! So ribco after,doing what I said earlier...he found thus check in his mailbox...blank...with a signature...so he wrote in: $9748265828472 and went to the bank to cash it...turns out it was a counterfeit check....he went to jail..blabedyblabedybla...got a two year sentence but they gave him the money on the check...and you'll never guess what he did with it...he bought the nearest krispy Kreme store and usrled the profits to bail himself out...Now everyone lives him again cuz he owns a krispy Kreme....THE END...or is it...da da daaaaaaaa

Saturday, January 15, 2011

S'more ribco...(ego)

Ribco drove very fastly down the long winding road on his way to hear the news that would drive him to near eruption(ribco has a bit o' a temper) as he arrived at the hospital to go see his girlfriend his car ran out of gas...he pulled the sledgehammer out of the trunk and literally beat the engine out of the thing. Then when he got inside to check in to see her...he forgot his flowers in the car...he again sledged the car to bits and walked in with the flowers and all...and he was checked in...but it gets worse...he walks in to her room to find...he forgot his math at home...now he plain flipped out...he threw a chair out of the window (13th floor) punched a doctor broke the receptionists computer,then with the broken computer threw that out the window, broke $6000 worth of medical equipment,and dumped all the lolipops out into the furnace...the rest of that day the hospital smelled like lemons...and ribco had to walk home because all the stuff he threw out the window...landed on his car...he did however steal a parcked cop car and called for a dispatch at a place where there is no crime whatsoever...tee hee...TO BE CONTINUED

Last night

Ok so yesterday night I was rock climbing till 2 am, and now my arms hurt sooooooo much that I might even write a ribco entry just for it...maybe...Oh I forgot...yesterday night while my friend was playing ps3...he was just minding his own business playing online...some random guy hacks his game and now he has everything there is to have...it's pretty cool...and we didnt need to pay for the VIP acces that usually costs like 20 bucks...so yea...it's epic...we get to play all acces to hacked and moded games!!!! For free!!!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Best band ever!!!

Dragonforce is the best band ever!!! Long songs, metal rock, and pure awesomeness!!! It outranks the beatles!!! Look it up, it will make your life better...pleeeeeeeeese...for me????

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The weird beginning of RIBCO

Ribco is kinda one of my alter egos...what I feel,he feels,if I'm depressed,he's depressed...but I'll tell you if that is the case...in the title it will say: bla bla bla (ego style) so this is not one...

Ribco sat in the windowsill waiting for his girlfriend to call...so she could help him with his math homework...what were you thinking?!?! He sat there till 10 pm...no call...he was heartbroken...he needed help or he would flunk the class...poor guy...he went upstairs and cried himself to sleep...then at 2 am,he got a call...it was her...she had been drunk at a party and needed him to pick him up. Still angry about the homework, he decided to tell her he would come asap but then he went to bed...and never showed up...EVER...then 10 days later he got a call from the hospital saying his girlfriend was in extreme condition and wanted to see him before...she...died...he drove over there in his new ferari...

Intro to ribco

Okay so most my friends who have blogs write stories and stuff like that...but I don't know if they have a story that will end ALL BOREDOM!!! The main charachter is named ribco (don't ask) and he basically does the first thing that pops into my mind (at least the clean stuff) and then I go from there...so...the adventures of ribco begins...next post...hehe I'm a procrastinator!!!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sledding,snow,and random kids hitting you on sleds and making you do a flip

Okay so today I was sledding and it was like a community hill so I'm walking up the hill and a 6 year old hits me at like 20 miles per hour!!! I mean what the heck!!! Then later I go off a ramp and I went a good 10 ft....Then I landed...I fell off the sled and slid on my back into a snow drift (if you didn't know, those are very cold if they are POWDER snow and it gets all in your coat...it's bad stuff,snow.) and on the last run of the day I was going off a ramp again (this will end badly, it allwase does) and a kid with one of those hard plastic sleds is in the way so he uses the sled to "protect" him...I hit him...he fell over...but get this...cause of the impact, I did a front flip,landed it and continued to ride!!! It was the most epic thing I did today!!! Exept for beating auburn with the buckeyes on madden...I had only played once before and this guy was a veteran at the game...I still beat him 7-0!!! That proves that Ohio state buckeyes are beastly and everyone else is bad!!! Wooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Uuugh I hate winter it makes my lips split open and bleed. :(

Friday, January 7, 2011

What the??? It didn't publish that last thing...stupid iPod...I'm a zombie man...suck at math and hate stupid questions...yea...so...u don't like wat u see...DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES READ IT...unless it contains info that will save your life someday (in the apocalypse) byiee!!! <{^=^}>